Friday, 4 September 2015

The Best of Brought To Life - 236

1. THE FUZZTONES - 'Cinderella' - ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
We haven't had a whole lot of garage/psyche on these comps. This is from 'Garage Sale', one of those ROIR samplers which you could only get in cassette form in conjunction with Goldmine magazine.
2. RAXOLA - '84's Man' - Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
This album is off the radar for most people but it's far more consistent than most well-known '70s efforts.
3. IVY GREEN - 'I'm Sure We're Gonna Make It' - Pogo LP - Netherlands - 1978
Well, they didn't. But their debut album was entertaining enough to the punk rock crowd and this was the opening track.
4. THE MINUTEMEN - 'Search' - SST LP - USA - 1981
The opening track from their first twelve-incher 'The Punch Line'.
5. THE GRAVEDIGGER V - 'She Got'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
Another '60s inspired track from 'Garage Sale'.
6. RAXOLA - 'Anxious'Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
Another track from their self-titled album.
7. JOHNNY & THE JUMPER CABLES - 'Not Your Kind' - Throbbing Lobster LP - USA - 1984
Another cool garage-style comp was 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List'.
8. IVY GREEN - 'Hunting'Pogo LP - Netherlands - 1978
Another track from their self-titled debut.
9. THE VIPERS - 'Who Dat?'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
A third track from 'Garage Sale'.
10. RAXOLA - 'Kill Your Son'Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
And a third from their self-titled album.
11. THE UNDERACHIEVERS - 'I'll Be There For You' Throbbing Lobster LP - USA - 1984
A second from 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List'.
12. IVY GREEN - 'Sue'Pogo LP - Netherlands - 1978
A third from 'Ivy Green'. A very funny song.
13. THE MOSQUITOS - 'Darn Well'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
A fourth from 'Garage Sale'. It's all very derivative but most of these songs are great, so who cares?
14. RAXOLA - 'Am I Guilty?'Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
He probably is. From their self-titled album.
15. CHAIN LINK FENCE - 'The Happening'Throbbing Lobster LP - USA - 1984
Another track from 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List'.
16. THE MINUTEMEN - 'Boiling'SST LP - USA - 1981
A second from 'The Punch Line'.
17. THE BOYS FROM NOWHERE - 'Beg'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
A fifth from 'Garage Sale'.
18. RAXOLA - 'Old Rat'Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
And a fifth from their self-titled album.
19. IVY GREEN - 'Troubles'Pogo LP - Netherlands - 1978
Back to their debut masterpiece.
20. CHRISTMAS - 'Our Mutual Friend'Throbbing Lobster LP - USA - 1984
A third from 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List'.
21. THE PANDORAS - 'Hot Generation'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
A sixth from 'Garage Sale'.
22. RAXOLA - 'Wildcat'Phillips LP - Belgium - 1978
And a sixth from their self-titled album, but we're not finished yet!
23. THE MINUTEMEN - 'The Struggle'SST LP - USA - 1981
A third from 'The Punch Line'.
24. IVY GREEN - 'Sex On The Radio'Pogo LP - Netherlands - 1978
A bit repetitive this one, but then it's supposed to be . . .
25. THE TELL-TALE HEARTS - 'That's Your Problem'ROIR cassette - USA - 1985
Yet another from 'Garage Sale'.
26. RAXOLA - 'Wait For The War' (from the album)
27. THE MINUTEMEN - 'Monuments' (from 'The Punch Line')
28. IVY GREEN - 'Mister, Mister' (from their debut LP)
29. HOLY COW - 'Zucchini Dance' (from 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List')
30. RAXOLA - 'Steal It' (from the album)
31. THE MINUTEMEN - 'Games' (from 'The Punch Line')
32. IVY GREEN - 'Another Subculture Going Bad' (from their debut LP)
33. BABY'S ARM - 'I'm A Wimp' (from 'Nobody Gets On The Guest List')
34. THE SHOUTLESS - 'I Tell No Lies' (from 'Garge Sale')
35. RAXOLA - 'Panic In The Sewers' (from the album)
36. THE MINUTEMEN - 'Warfare' (from 'The Punch Line')


  1. Love your taste and the LP theme with Raxola, Ivy Green, and the Minutemen, but let's not confuse the children—"The Punch Line" is most definitely not 1978, but 1981. Like Mike Watt asked, "Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?"

    Keep 'em coming, brother. This is great stuff.


    1. Whoops! Thanks for the heads up Dan, glad you're enjoying the blog!
